March 13, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew, which could be evolved into Sandslash with Night Slash and Alolan Sandshrew with shadow Claw.The event returned to a three hour format for the first time since pandemic bonuses were first implemented, but added a Group Play bonus, that increased the Catch XP to quadruple if enough players used the same Lure Module. It also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, double Catch Candy, double Stufful XL Candy, a Stufful Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Strong Stuff. April 23, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Stufful, which could be evolved into Bewear with Drain Punch.It also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Geodude XL Candy, an Alolan Geodude Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, A Rocky Road. May 21, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Alolan Geodude, which could be evolved into Alolan Golem with Roll Out.It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Zweilous raids, three hour Incense duration, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Deino XL Candy, a Deino Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Deino. June 25, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Deino, which could be evolved into Hydreigon with Brutal Swing.It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Staravia raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, double Catch Candy, double Starly XL Candy, a Starly Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Starly. July 17, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Starly, which could be evolved into Staraptor with Gust.It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Galarian Linoone raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Zigzagoon XL Candy, a Galarian Zigzagoon Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon. August 13, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Galarian Zigzagoon, which could be evolved into Obstagoon with Obstruct.It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Boldore raids, three hour Incense duration, quarter Hatch Distance, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Roggenrola XL Candy, a Roggenrola Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Rock 'n' Roll. September 18, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Roggenrola, which could be evolved into Gigalith with Meteor Beam.Starting with the most recent one and working our way back, here's what Pokémon Go has offered for the previous Community Days. What were the previous Pokémon Go Community Days? Stay tuned to our social media channels and check out the Pokémon GO Community Day event page each month to learn about that month's featured Pokémon, special bonuses, and event times. Remember always to be alert and stay safe while playing and be respectful of public spaces when exploring your community.

We're constantly blown away by the passion of Pokémon GO players around the world, and we hope that each Pokémon GO Community Day will help add to the excitement of local events and meetups.

Other bonuses will be in effect during the event, such as increased XP or Stardust, and Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours. When caught during the event, this special Pokémon will know an exclusive move. Once a month, we'll host a Pokémon GO Community Day event starring a special Pokémon, which will frequently appear around the world for just a few hours. Pokémon GO Community Day is an opportunity for Trainers around the world to meet up at their local parks to make new friends and experience what it means to be a part of this special community. It's all part of Pokémon Go's ongoing efforts to encourage players to get out, discover new places, and meet new people. These raids cannot be accessed with Remote Raid Passes.
Field Notes: Trick of the Light, a paid Special Research story in the PokéShop for $1USD or local equivalent.In addition to increased Shiny rates for the featured Pokémon and a Community Day exclusive move, players will also be able to enjoy the following bonuses: